
caitlin quiet

caitlin shearer, one of my long time favorite illustrators, was sweet enough to make me a custom photo in exchange for some pretty vintage frocks. when she emailed me asking, my first though was "eeeeeee, how does she know me!?" I have always admired her gorgeous girls with dresses I covet for my own wardrobe.

thank you miss caitlin.

this is completely unrelated, but I feel like everyone should check out chelsea jade's new music video. she is a beautiful being full of inspiration, who deserves a shout out!

Under from chelsea jade on Vimeo.

I won't be blogging for awhile due to travels, so au revoir! can't wait to show you all my filmy pictures from everywhere.


  1. this is beautiful! I adore her work!

  2. That's so lovely! How exciting :)

  3. Ahhh it's too pretty and cute.

  4. amazing to receive such a gorgeous piece of art!

  5. these are both lovely works. I saw Chelsea Jade's video yesterday and was also saving it to reblog! have lovely travels
    Casie jean

  6. How nice! Well I think both of you are pretty swell.

  7. you lucky lucky girl! she's my fav too!

  8. That's a lovely illustration! XX

  9. how gorgeous that is! i love your whole blog, though, dear. you are truly creative yourself. x


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